May 7th is Daisy Peterson Sweeney’s Birthday

May 7th is Daisy Peterson Sweeney’s Birthday

101 years ago our mother, Daisy Peterson Sweeney (Mom), was born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on May 7th. You can view Montreal historical events of the 1920’s on this website’s Resources page.

St. Catherine Street, Montreal, Quebec, circa 1920

Please feel free to browse this website which honours Mom and shares the story of her amazing life as a mother, pianist, piano and music teacher, organist and mentor to too many people to mention. Often when she helped someone, it was done without fanfare but also with a certain quiet joy which you could see in her warm smile.

4 thoughts on “May 7th is Daisy Peterson Sweeney’s Birthday”

  1. Wow. Out of a weekly salary of $5, she took $3.50 to pay for piano lessons. That’s dedication!

  2. Are there any recordings of Daisy Peterson Sweeney playing the piano or organ? Would love to hear her play. Nice site though, especially all the information about her life.

  3. Happy Birthday Mrs Sweeney, you were my mentor and the most wonderful piano teacher a person could ever have. You always gave your all and loved all children regardless of race. You were a person who loved children unconditionally, a hero.

  4. Thank you, Mrs. Sweeney ❤️ for introducing me to the piano, classical music & most of all, OPERA 👏… I’ll NEVER forget, LA TOSCA, at Place des Arts… Thanks for the memories 🙏☺️🙏🎶👏🎶

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