A plaque will be installed in honour of a great Montrealer of colour – a woman, of noted distinction, who impacted the lives of many through sharing her knowledge and wisdom of about life through music.
The Union United Church, located on Delisle Avenue, in Montreal, has approved the installation of a plaque honouring the life and work of Dr. Daisy Peterson Sweeney, who started a youth choir at the church which she later turned over to Dr. Trevor Payne, and eventually became the Montreal Jubilation Gospel Choir of international fame,
The Daisy Peterson Sweeney family is grateful for the dedicated work of the Union United Church and Board and Erene Anthony who helped make the creation and installation of the above beautiful plaque, honouring our beloved mother possible. May this plaque serve to be an inspiration to the young and old, female and male, to strive to achieve their highest dreams and potential in the benefit of all humankind.
Thank you.